O que sou toda a gente é capaz de ver;
Mas o que ninguém é capaz de imaginar é até onde sou e como

Miguel Torga

segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2008

Chemical Atraction

Nature attracts us to our genetic matches with our noses. The fact is, we love how other people smell when their immune systems are different from ours—they smell sexier.
This was first shown in the renowned 1995 study lead by Claus Wedekind, [Wedekind et al, 1995] ...Subsequent studies have confirmed similar effects on both men and women. [Wedekind and Furi, 1997; Thornhill et al, 2003; Santos et al, 2005] The majority of the data confirms that we love the smell of the opposite sex when their immune systems are very different from our own.
You may have experienced the power of natural body aroma first-hand. Perhaps you’ve encountered someone who’d just finished exercising or working out, and their body odor reminded you of dirty old gym socks. The first thing you may have done was run away, send them to the showers, or pass out!
Yet, you may know someone else who, when they’re all hot and sweaty, you CAN’T stay away from! Their perspiring body is the most sensual smell you can imagine.
The difference probably lies in your immune system genes.
... The experts clearly see incredible potential in the power of chemical attraction.

Não sei se é por isto, se calhar é! Se calhar temos os sistemas imunológicos compatíveis...
Mas há toques que me deixam ... ... ... mesmo ... ... ... Ui
Só um toque ao de leve na pele, mas que transmite AQUELA sensação!!!
É uma questão de pele. Dá para sentir ?????

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